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Esta escapada al Caribe está cargada do grandes espacios abiertos, cuellos por botella amplios y coloridos murales. Existe una verdad oculta bajo la superficie do la playa soleada do Breeze; con suerte, estarán tan ocupados con disparos a larga distancia que no se lançarán cuenta do ella.

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ESTES jogadores gostaram bastante da amplitude do mapa e estão ansiosos para quando o mesmo estiver disponível de modo a jogar a partir por dia 27 de abril.

Riot Games officially announces Valorant's upcoming new map, Breeze, a tropical stage filled with palm trees and long sightlines.

When Valorant launched it broke the tradition of FPS competitive shooter games of having two bomb sites.

sports You are using an older browser version. Please use a supported version for the best MSN experience. New Valorant map Breeze confirmed in official teaser by the developer

, the design of the Breeze map also tells a story. There's more going on within Breeze than first meets the eye. Whether it's the history of the ruins on the read more map, including mysterious street art, or what the modern technological additions are intended to hide within the stage, Riot wants players to ask questions about where the world of Va

Earlier on March 31, a leaker by the name ValorLeaks pointed out that the next map name could be ‘Foxtrot’.

So far, casual players are still at the crossroads regarding new location, but players may eventually warm up to the beachy vibe of Breeze.

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A Riot Games anunciou de que a nova temporada do VALORANT chega Este momento aos servidores oficiais. O Episódio 2 Ato 3 inclui o novo mapa Breeze, vários itens cosmfoiticos e este novo passe por batalha.

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